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Read online ebook Universal Apps for Windows 10 : MVVM Patterns Revealed DOC, FB2


In Windows 10 Microsoft has created a single platform with a common runtime to enable development of single code-base applications running on various Windows devices. These applications are called Universal Windows Apps. With the introduction of the Universal App Platform (UAP), an integrated set of development tools and APIs/SDKs for Windows 10, it is now truly possible to have "One Windows Platform" to develop Universal Apps.The Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) pattern is valued by many developers as an excellent way of creating sophisticated modern applications. Its clear separation of presentation and business logic produces a clean implementation that promotes speed, scalability and code reuse in applications with a complex UI. These characteristics are particularly valuable to WPF developers. This 200 page, information-rich, guide we will show you how MVVM works with both XAML (C#) and HTML5 (JavaScript) flavors of Windows 10 Universal Apps. Beginning with a brief recap of Windows 10 Universal Apps and Microsoft One Windows Platform and MVVM concepts under .NET ( to provide a common frame of reference) the author then will then dive into the details of how MVVM can best be implemented for Windows 10 Universal Apps, showing a working application framework in each case.

Read Ashish Ghoda - Universal Apps for Windows 10 : MVVM Patterns Revealed MOBI, DOC, FB2

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